Terms & Conditions


This website and any content may not be reproduced without permission from Somebody’s Sister. All information and all content on the website, including the name and logo, product images and descriptions, text, graphic design are owned by Somebody’s Sister. Somebody’s Sister reserves the right to change, remove or move information on the site at any time and without notice.

Payment & pricing

All prices on the Somebody’s Sister website are in New Zealand dollars. Where applicable, local taxes are shown and included in the price. All prices are correct at time of publication; however, we reserve the right to change prices at any time for any reason. Credit card transactions are processed in New Zealand. Some banks may charge an overseas transaction fee and/or foreign currency exchange fee for purchases made outside of New Zealand.

Ingredients alterations

Due to the availability and pricing of some ingredients in the Somebody’s Sister product range, we may need to alter ingredients from time to time. We reserve the right to change ingredients when required, however the website will updated accordingly.